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About Vibrant Leasing

Soo, what's my story? Simply put, I love the Residential Property Management Industry and want to share it with you! I hate the fact that it is a challenge to receive the necessary training required to join the industry and feel that the industry is quite exclusive, so Vibrant Leasing has put together a campaign to bring awareness of the industry and interest to the public as well as providing the tools needed to be successful in the industry without having to pay an "arm and a leg". As stated above, my mission is to bring awareness and interest of the industry to the public in addition to offering comprehensive training that students new to the industry will need to have from the start of their career as a leasing professional. Another goal is to assist those who are financially burdened. Underserved communities are distracted by the challenges and activities of simply trying to maintain their lives. Many are unable to focus on their future because they are focused more on their individual health, family health, and wellness issues. As a result of assisting and supporting the socio-economic health of many distressed communities, Vibrant Leasing has been involved with youth and adult community non-profit organizations; workforce, and neighborhood revitalization organizations to give everyone a fair chance to learn quality information at affordable prices. Vibrant Leasing has reached different communities and is expected to continue to reach more communities in order to continue to create stabilization. Brandi and those who partner with her brings a new, fresh, personable, and vibrant way of teaching with many years of experience in the multi-family industry to help reach different learners. "Vibrant Teaching = Better Leasing"


Notable Instructor

Brandi Harris

"I've bumped my head so many times at the beginning of my career as a leasing professional and still am as a trainer! Many of those bumps could have been avoided at the time with proper education. I want to give people the confidence and what I like to call the "Right Now" skills needed to do their job and do it effectively. Once they are in the industry, they can spread their wings and obtain different designations and education through organizations such as the National Apartment Association (NAA)."